Anthony Plog on Music
Conversations with performers, composers, and entrepreneurs

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Kevin Day, A leading young voice in the world of music composition
Anthony Plog, hostEddie Ludema, producer
Date posted: Nov 12, 2021
Composer Kevin Day is currently earning his doctorate at the University of Miami Frost School of Music. But even at this early stage in his development, he has over 200 works to his credit, and his music has been performed by such eminent groups as the Boston Symphony, the Detroit Symphony, and the Houston Symphony. He is a composer to watch in the future!
Part 1
In Part 1 of our conversation, I ask Kevin to talk about his early development as a musician and composer, how he has been able to be so prolific at such a young age, and the process he uses to write his music.
Part 2
Kevin and I continue our conversation by talking about several of his pieces and how they came to be written, and several other topics including why a speech impediment at a young age may have actually helped him as a composer. We end this part of our conversation with my asking him what he thinks the most difficult aspect of composing is.
Bonus Room
In the Bonus Room, Kevin talks about how social media has been a huge help for his career, and how posting a piece can sometimes immediately create a huge following. Kevin then talks about how he plans to give back in the future as a teacher.
Photo Credit: Sara Bill Photography/Karen Cubides Agency
The podcast theme music, Four Sierra Scenes, written by Anthony Plog, is taken from Crystal Records S205, copyright ©1980 Crystal Records Inc., and is used by permission. Unauthorized duplication is not permitted.