Anthony Plog on Music
Conversations with performers, composers, and entrepreneurs

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Jennifer Hamady: The World-Class Vocalist, Teacher, Coach, Counselor, Psychologist, and Author
Anthony Plog, hostEddie Ludema, producer
Date posted: Nov 11, 2024
Jennifer Hamady is a remarkable blend of singer, teacher, writer, and psychologist. As an author, she has penned three insightful books: The Art of Singing: Discovering and Developing Your True Voice, The Art of Singing Onstage and in the Studio, and Learning to Sing. She is also a regular contributor to Psychology Today, where she shares her expertise on the psychological and emotional aspects of singing. As a performer, Jennifer has graced the stage alongside iconic artists like Stevie Wonder and Def Leppard. In this conversation, we dive into the many facets of her career and how she helps singers develop their voices by addressing both technical and psychological aspects of their artistry.
Part 1
We begin with Jennifer's early journey as a singing student, exploring the lessons she took from both challenging and positive experiences. She reflects on how these formative experiences shaped her understanding of the voice and her approach to teaching. From there, we trace the beginnings of her singing career, starting with her first years after college and leading up to her breakthrough moment—when she joined the ranks of backup singers for top pop artists. We conclude Part 1 with a deep dive into her philosophies on vocal technique, artistry, and teaching.
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[Part 2, Subscriber Content] In addition to performing, Jennifer is a highly sought-after teacher who works with students in person and online. She explains how her career evolved by her willingness to embrace new opportunities and “say yes to everything.” I ask how she balances this busy schedule, fits in her writing, and manages her ongoing creative projects. Jennifer also shares her plans for future books, giving us a glimpse into what’s next for her as a writer.
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The podcast theme music, Four Sierra Scenes, written by Anthony Plog, is taken from Crystal Records S205, copyright ©1980 Crystal Records Inc., and is used by permission. Unauthorized duplication is not permitted.