Anthony Plog on Music
Conversations with performers, composers, and entrepreneurs

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Chad Goodman: The wave-making, entrepreneurial, and successful conductor, educator and author (and trumpet player!)
Anthony Plog, hostEddie Ludema, producer
Date posted: Oct 13, 2023
Chad Goodman is, to quote Christina Wallace from Forbes Magazine, "an entrepreneur bringing innovation to classical music." In his young life, Chad has started his own ensemble, the Elevate Ensemble, worked with the San Francisco Symphony and San Francisco Ballet as a conductor, is a Conducting Fellow of the New World Symphony, and has recently been appointed Music Director of the Elgin Symphony Orchestra. So how did he do all of this at such a young age? He gives a lot of clues and practical advice in his book: "You Earned a Music Degree. Now What?" It was a pleasure to speak with him about the many aspects of his career and life.
Part 1
We begin by going back to the start of Chad's career, learning music and also learning the business of music. At a very young age, he founded the Elevate Ensemble. He talks about many of the different aspects of planning concerts, paying musicians, arranging concert venues, and the like. We trace his career to working with the San Francisco Symphony, assisting guest conductors, and how Manfred Honeck was such a profound influence on him.
Part 2
We begin Part 2 by talking about his time with the San Francisco Ballet and how conducting ballet is so different from conducting orchestras. From there we move on to the New World Symphony and the studying of scores in preparation for rehearsals and concerts, how much time is involved, and the strategy he has for score analysis.
Bonus Room
In the Bonus Room we discuss Chad's book, "You Earned a Music Degree. Now What?" This is a book that offers many practical and usable suggestions for students graduating from college and wanting to pursue a career in music. It is indeed a working musicians field guide, and we cover many areas of the book. Students will find this part of the interview not only inspiring but very practical as well.
The podcast theme music, Four Sierra Scenes, written by Anthony Plog, is taken from Crystal Records S205, copyright ©1980 Crystal Records Inc., and is used by permission. Unauthorized duplication is not permitted.